Patient Testimonials

"Dear Dr. Norley,
I am so happy I met you!
I am also so happy I listened to my neighbor, Linda Hensgen, and April Larsen from my Water Fitness Class (YMCA). These two women are your patients and strongly suggested I give YOU and acupuncture a try to alleviate my pinched nerve and back pain.
As you know my first visit was not so good; your words to me as I left your office that first time were, “I will get you pain free”. I had very noticeable improvement the next morning. It has now been three weeks with two treatments per week and I can say what a difference!
I am so relieved to be virtually pain free. After two weeks of treatment I know we were on the right road to healing when I found myself singing along with the radio. When I looked in the mirror my face looked relaxed and happy. I have started to resume my normal life again, walking, yard work, and even physically teaching my water fitness classes.
I know we still have some work/maintenance for me, But the difference between now and my first visit is awesome. I am so very glad you took me on as a patient and I look forward to our Doctor/patient relationship with regards to improving my general overall health.
I am singing your praises and praising acupuncture to my family and friends as an alternative to pills and surgery.
Thank you again! I am VERY Happy and Pain Free, enjoying my Freedom of Movement,"
- Jerri P.
"Dear Dr. Norley,
You enabled me to breathe again!
After suffering from terrible allergies for months; with no cure from anti-histamines or prescription nose sprays, just one acupuncture treatment from you and I was breathing clearly again.
The part that shocks me the most is – it’s now been almost two years since that treatment and I haven’t taken any allergy medicine since!
You made me feel really at ease about having acupuncture on my face and I actually found the experience relaxing.
So, as another spring/summer allergy season begins, I just wanted to say; thank you Dr. Norley. Thank you for helping me breathe again, naturally.
More people should try acupuncture for allergies and free themselves of taking pills and sprays.
- R.H.
"Dear Dr. Norley,
I really want to express my appreciation for the magic break through I had last week in regards to my neck pain. As you know, I suffered more than a year and a half with this chronic neck pain that restricted my movement and caused me considerable discomfort.
I had already been treated by a physical therapy office, but that didn’t work well. I also had seen the medical doctor who could only refer me to a bone/neck specialist. That doctor could only say that I had mild arthritis and wrote me a prescription to deal with the pain. That’s when I decided to try you.
While we decided to undergo all the various forms of treatment you can administer, I wasn’t confident they would work. Being a bit leery, I didn’t expect much. However, just this week the pain has resolved. My health has vastly improved by your persistence in trying each therapy until I plateaued, then a new approach was tried for even more improvement.
What a relief! What a success!
Thank you so much,"
- Jeff S.
"Dear Dr. Norley,
I have suffered from tinnitus (ringing in the ears) for over 10 years. I had worked with an ENT MD to no avail so I decided to just live with it. In talking to Dr. Norley about it, she recommended treating the tinnitus with electroacupuncture. I decided to give it a try. After about 6 treatments the ringing has reduced about 80% and we’re not done yet!
I have been developing Heberden’s Nodes in the tips of my fingers. This is a form of osteoarthritis that is painful as the nodes develop and can result in limited movement of the finger joint. For the first one, Dr. Norley used acupuncture stimulation (no needles, but current to the acupuncture points). This finger is fine and causes me no pain or movement problems. The second finger has been more difficult but since the start of electroacupuncture, the pain has eased. It used to wake me up at night but that no longer occurs. We are now trying microcurrent to attempt further improvement."
- Sue L.
"Dear Dr. Norley,
I want to let you know in writing how much your chiropractic care has meant to me throughout my pregnancy. Before calling you, I had never been to a chiropractor. It never occurred to me to use chiropractic treatment for things such as headaches, and now I realize that I’d felt unnecessary pain.
The comfort of my pregnancy was completely thanks to my visits with you.
Your attentiveness and skilled treatments have cured everything from my headaches of first trimester, sciatica and hip pain in the second, and back pain as I entered my 9th month.
I believe the regular care during pregnancy enabled me to fulfill my desire to have natural childbirth.
I recommend any woman (pregnant or not) to consider a chiropractor a must. I am thrilled with the experience in pregnancy and labor that you enabled me to have.
Thank you so much, Dr. Norley!
- Sarahbeth S. and Baby Jack
"Dear Dr. Norley,
I came to you for help with my arthritic shoulder. I had tried cortisone shots and physical therapy, and I thought that my only other alternative was surgery, which I didn’t want.
For more than two years, I did not have full use of my arm because certain movements would cause excruciating pain and my shoulder would “lock.” Many aspects of my life were negatively impacted.
I saw your picture and article in the local newspaper, and I made my decision.
After just a few months, your combined treatment of acupuncture and chiropractic care brought my shoulder back to 100%. You also worked on my arthritic neck, knee and wrist; now they too are completely pain free. I can’t thank you enough for taking the pain away. I thank God for that newspaper article!!
- Bonnie A.
"I was in a bus shelter when I was four years old. A tornado hit, and the shelter collapsed on me, crushing my body. I had many fractures, and I was in a body cast for many months. As a result, my entire life, I have felt a lot of pressure in my upper back and constant pain in my low back.
I knew after my first acupuncture session from Dr. Pamela Norley, that I would not have to continue to suffer the rest of my life. Not only was the pressure in my upper back relieved, but so was the pain in the lower back. I see Dr. Norley once a month to maintain the way I feel. I don’t have pain, and I sleep better than I ever have in my life.
I recently suffered a strain/sprain injury to my rib area; it hurt to breathe until Dr. Norley treated it with microcurrent therapy and acupuncture.
Thank you Dr. Norley for taking care of my aches and pains.
A lot of people suffer, but are afraid to try new things. I want to tell everyone who is hurting, 'Acupuncture really works for me, and you should try it.'"
- Marcus M.
"Dear Dr. Norley,
Because I was having twins, I was blessed with two times the morning sickness. I was just miserable until I got help from you.
Carrying two babies in my small frame was no easy task, but luckily you also helped me deal with those aches and pains as well.
Finding enough comfort to fall asleep was also a challenge until I asked you for help.
Thank you for your commitment to my health and happiness."
- Jennifer K.
"Dear Dr. Norley,
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to you.
Your care and compassion has made such a difference in my day to day life.
From the first day I came to you on April 1, 2005, just a few short months ago, I have had such a tremendous change in the way I feel. I was reluctant to see you at first because I was under the care of another chiropractor who I had seen for several years. However, I was not improving, in fact feeling worse as time went on. I felt no one could help me and I would have to live with the chronic headaches, neck and back pain. But on the morning of April 1st, the pain was so intense I could not go to work. I called and you saw me that very morning. I was so amazed by the relief I felt just after the first treatment, that I was able to go to work from your office. After three weeks the pain in my neck and shoulder was completely gone. In addition, I have not had a headache since April 1st, 2005. This is a miracle in itself for I have been suffering with severe headaches for six years. My general mood and demeanor have changed now that I am not dealing with pain. I have more energy and my quality of life has improved greatly thanks to you.
I cannot thank you enough. You are truly a Godsend to me."
- Margie, R.N.
"I had horrible pain in my left knee for three months before I met Dr. Norley. I had seen Dr. Norley’s brochure about knee problems, and so I talked to her before I scheduled an appointment. Within the first few visits I could feel the difference, the pain started to go away, and I could play sports again with the kids that I take care of everyday at the A.S.C., and I love sports! I was so happy that my knee was getting better, I asked Dr. Norley if she would also help me with my back pain, and the pain in both hands. She said she would help me.
The acupuncture and chiropractic care, including the ultrasound, has been such a relief to me. I get better, everywhere, after each treatment. I am still coming in here twice a week, only because I feel such a big improvement after a few weeks of care. Imagine how good I will feel after just a few more weeks!
The pains are almost gone, and I am blessed that Dr. Norley has helped me so much. For that I am grateful.
Thank you Dr. Norley."
- Lola K.
"In the spring of 2008, I saw a notice for a workshop to help reduce stress. I knew nothing about the workshop, but thought I’d go, feeling I had nothing to lose (and free pizza to gain!).
I had been experiencing scar tissue pain from knee replacement surgery a year or so earlier. Neither the orthopedic surgeon nor my regular doctor offered much in the way of relief other than drugs, which did not appeal to me. I was at the point where I felt this was something I was going to have to live with.
Not true! While listening to the workshop and testimonials, I felt I needed to try something new – acupuncture. It took about three weeks, two treatments a week, and I started to feel better. Not only did the scar tissue pain go away, but so did the tendonitis in my elbow and the carpal tunnel in my wrist.
I am not relatively pain-free, but I do try to schedule an acupuncture appointment once every 4-6 weeks, just for a “tune-up.” I can’t tell you how much better I feel when I leave. I feel the weight of the world has been lifted and I have more energy to enjoy life.
Acupuncture has improved my quality of life immeasurably and is painless. I feel so much better after a session. I am a true believer in the power of the needles!
- Linda H.
3:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
3:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Acupuncture Chiropractic
500 Park Ave STE 101
Lake Villa, IL 60046